i.6. Saturn’s Rings

Artist Book
Saturn’s Rings (after W.G. Sebald)
Saturn’s Rings is a visual translation of W.G. Sebald’s 1995 literary work, The Rings of Saturn. Designed as a 1:1 translation of the 2016 English paperback edition, this paperback book features the same margin size, typesetting, and page count as its referent. Reconstructed page-by-page, this book replaces 296 pages of the original text with images found in various art, science, nature, and historical archives.
Saturn’s Rings features 683 archival images of objects, archeological artifacts, people, geological phenomena, astronomy, war, art and nature, and aims to reinterpret the original book’s textual content with visual symbolism, poetry, and metaphor. Using an intuitive and rhizomatic approach to collection, the process of unearthing material from archives also echoed the author’s meandering literary style.

—Edition of 35
—Format (closed): 5.375” x 8”
Purchase this book at Draw Down Books here.